Who is a POSP Insurance Agent?

Do you want to start your own business without making any investments? Or are you looking for ways to earn a passive income? Try becoming a POSP insurance agent. Wondering, who exactly are these people? In this article, we’ll help you understand the meaning, benefits, and other details of becoming an insurance agent in India. Read on to find out!

Who is a POSP Insurance Agent?

Who is a POSP Insurance Agent?

POSP refers to the point of sale person. Generally, a POSP insurance agent is an individual who can sell insurance directly to customers. As an insurance agent an sell a wide variety of insurance products, such as life insurance, motor insurance, health insurance, and more. You can apply online at Capri Global to start selling insurance and earning income.

Benefits of Becoming a POSP Insurance Agent

Here are some benefits of becoming a POSP insurance agent in India.

  • Flexible Work Hours:

    An insurance agent can work anywhere, anytime according to their convenience. You don’t have to complete your 9 hours shift for selling insurance. All you need is 4-5 hours per day to search for clients and insure them with the right coverage.

  • Start Earning at Early Age:

    Unlike other professions, you don’t have to wait to gain knowledge and experience. If you become a POSP insurance agent, you can start earning as soon as you turn 18 years old.

  • No Investment Required:

    If you have always wanted to start your own business but are worried about risk andinvestment, becoming an insurance agent would be an ideal profession for you. Anyone can become a POSP insurance agent without making any investment cost.

  • Earn Passive Income:

    If you want to earn a passive income, then you apply to become an insurance advisor. You can sell as many as insurance plans you want and earn money in your comfort.

Who Can Become a POSP Insurance Agent?

Anyone above the age of 18 who has qualified for the 10th examination is eligible to apply to become a POSP insurance agent. Some of the individuals who can start their career as insurance advisors are as follows:

  • Homemakers
  • College students
  • Freelancers
  • Retired people
  • Individuals looking for passive income
  • Small business owners

How to Become a POSP Insurance Agent With Capri Global?

Here are the steps that you can follow to become an insurance agent with Capri Global.

  • Browse the POSP website of Capri Global or visit an IDedge mobile application.
  • Create your account by filling out some personal information.
  • Provide your PAN card details to complete the KYC verification process.
  • Complete 15 hours of mandatory training after verifying your documents.
  • Qualify for the exam and certification in the insurance product that you want to sell.
  • Once the training is completed, you can start selling insurance at your convenience.

Wrap Up

In conclusion, anyone can start their dream business by becoming a POSP insurance agent with Capri Global. The main job role of an insurance agent is to help customers choose the right insurance product that best suits their requirements.

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This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only.
Readers are advised to research further in this regard.

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