Benefits of becoming an Insurance Agent

In today’s world, when everything around us is so uncertain, it becomes important to plan for an additional source of income. Be it a health emergency or any other kind of emergency, additional income apart from the monthly income becomes beneficial. Now, there are multiple ways of generating additional income such as becoming an POSP insurance agent. One can become a POSP agent or Point of Salesperson once a 15-hour certification which is mandated by IRDAI is completed. Moreover, there are certain benefits of becoming an insurance POSP, some of which have been enlisted below.


Once you are a certified POSP insurance agent, there are certain benefits that you can get. Listed below are a few benefits of becoming an insurance POSP:

  • Regular source of income at an early age:

    After becoming a POSP insurance agent, you can start earning at an early age. On becoming a certified insurance POSP, you can start earning as early as 18 years.

  • WFH opportunity:

    In today’s time, everyone around prefers working from the comfort of home. And on becoming a POSP agent, you can start earning without working for fixed hours. You can also enjoy flexibility and work at your own pace and convenience.

  • You can become your own boss:

    By becoming an insurance POSP, you also get the advantage of becoming your own boss. You can develop your personal clients as well as work according to yourself without being dictated to by any boss. This is one of the major advantages of becoming a POSP insurance agent.

  • Zero investment is required:

    You need not invest anything while becoming an insurance POSP. With zero investment, you can easily become an insurance POSP agent.

  • Help in securing the lives of people:

    When becoming an insurance POSP, you can easily play an important role in securing other lives because insurance products such as health insurance, life insurance, etc are important to stay secure against uncertainties.

  • Get timely rewards and recognitions:

    On becoming a successful insurance POSP, you can also get timely rewards and recognitions. In the life insurance category, as an POSP agent, you can get rewards like Asia’s Trusted Life Insurance Agents, and Million Dollar Round Table. So, apart from getting regular income, you are also entitled to certain rewards and recognitions.

  • Enjoy a digital experience:

    The best part about becoming a POSP agent is that you can get the advantage of working in a digital manner. You need not carry insurance policy papers or anything else for carrying the functions of insurance POSP. You can simply work with a laptop or tab and work from anywhere at any time.

Take Away

In a nutshell, if you are looking for additional sources of income, then becoming an insurance POSP is a good option. So, become a certified POSP insurance agent and start generating additional income at all times.

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This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only.
Readers are advised to research further in this regard.

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